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What is Pathology?

Pathology is the discipline of medicine primarily concerned with the study and diagnosis of disease.  The field itself dates back to antiquity with early study derived mostly through gross anatomy.  The field took a dramatic leap forward with the advent of the light microscope, which allowed for the classification of disease processes at the tissue and cellular level.  Today, the vast majority of diagnoses rendered by pathologists still come from examination of tissues under the light microscope; however, the discovery of new technologies has augmented tissue pathology and vastly expanded the clinical laboratory.  As we enter the next era of modern medicine, the study of genetics and genomics promises to dramatically alter the landscape of laboratory diagnostics.



Pathologists are medical school trained physicians that have completed an additional 4-5 year residency training program in pathology.  Many pathologists also complete additional year(s) of fellowship training in specific subspecialties of pathology such as cytopathology, hematopathology, or surgical pathology to name a few.  We work closely with our clinician colleagues to help diagnose routine as well as challenging medical disorders.  As a patient you may never encounter a pathologist; however, we play an integral role in your medical care by ensuring accurate laboratory test results, providing consultation to treating clinicians, and rendering tissue diagnoses.  We at Pathology Associates believe that good patient care is a team effort, and one in which we actively participate.


Useful Pathology-Related Links:



Da Vinci Diagram

Da Vinci Diagram









Flow Cytometry CLL-SLL

Flow Cytometry CLL-SLL





Gel Electrophoresis

Gel Electrophoresis

Sanger Sequence

Sanger Sequence

© 2015 by Pathology Associates Group.

Pathology Associates is Certified by CLIA and Accredited by the College of American Pathologists

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