Surgical Pathology Services
Surgical pathology is considered a subdivision within the broader area of anatomic pathology. Anatomic pathology also includes cytopathology and autopsy pathology. Surgical pathology is often further divided into organ-specific subspecialty areas such as gastrointestinal pathology, breast pathology, dermatopathology, head and neck pathology, and gynecologic pathology to name a few.
Pathology Associates offers a host of anatomic pathology services, including routine surgical pathology, frozen sections/intraoperative consultations, and non-gyn cytopathology. Courier services are available for specimen pickup and delivery of supplies. Gross examination, tissue processing/histotechnology, and microscopic examination are all performed at our CLIA certified and CAP accredited laboratory facility. In addition, we perform routine special stains and immunohistochemistry, including prognostic markers for breast cancer. We can also guide the selection and send-out of tissue blocks for specialized molecular testing.
Our pathologists are available for on-site intraoperative frozen sections and consultation when requested. We are always available to assist with the proper triage and processing of tissue specimens before or during collection. Contact us to learn more about our anatomic pathology services.

We provide full service courier/sample pick-up, gross examination, tissue processing, and microscopic examination.

We utilize the current CAP cancer reporting templates to standardize communication of report findings and staging information.

We routinely perform prognostic marker immunohistochemistry for breast cancer diagnoses, including ER, PR, HER2, and ki-67 (HER2 FISH is reflexed for equivocal cases).

We provide full service courier/sample pick-up, gross examination, tissue processing, and microscopic examination.
Outline of Anatomic Pathology Services:
Routine surgical pathology (gross and microscopic examination).
Non-gyn cytopathology for body fluids and fine needle aspirations (FNA).
Frozen section and intraoperative consult services.
Adequacy check and specimen triage for image-guided biopsies and FNA's.
Immunohistochemistry and special stains available in our laboratory.
Prognostic marker studies for breast cancer (ER, PR, HER2, and ki-67).